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What will the general behavior of your pets be like month by month by the year 2025?

Bennygreg Lord Known as Bennyastral Teacher, Astrologer, musician, reikist, constellator, pendulum healer among others. Study in behavior and the stars in pets for the evolution of families and a world full of love. On this occasion She writes to you about the planetary changes and the behavior of our beloved pets in 2025 month by month.

January Pluto in Aquarius: Pets may show more curious and exploratory behavior. It's a good time to introduce new toys or activities. February Technological and social transformation: You may notice that your pets adapt better to changes in the home or routine. Pet care technology could improve, too. March Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Aries: This month could bring challenges in the behavior of your pets. Stay patient and focus on loving discipline.


Rebellion against established power: Pets can show signs of independence and disobedience. It is important to reinforce positive training.


Innovation in communication: Take advantage of this time to work on communication with your pets. They might learn new signals or commands.


Changes in the power structure: If you have multiple pets, there could be alterations in the hierarchy this month. Observe their interactions and maintain harmony.


Uranus in Gemini: This transit can lead your pets to be more playful and restless. Introduce games that stimulate your mind.


Revolutionary ideas: Experiment with new training or eating techniques. Your pets will be receptive to these changes.


Challenges in world perception: Pets may be more sensitive to changes in their environment. Provide them with a safe and stable space.


Intensification of spirituality: This is a good time to strengthen the emotional bond with your pets. Spend more quality time with them.


Renewal of commitment: Redefine your commitment to the well-being of your pets. Review their medical and care needs.


Spiritual and social crisis: Pets can reflect stress or tensions in the home. Maintain a calm and comforting environment. I hope this monthly horoscope helps you better understand your pets in 2025.

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